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Gladstone Calliope Equestrian Group Inc
February Unofficial Dressage & Showjumping Under Lights Results
GCEG 2023 Annual Award Recipients
The Big Tour Most Consistent Performance - Leah McLellan and Stockie Stella.
The David John Memorial Trophy Hi Points Horse and Rider Combination Dressage - Tracey Williams and Vvixens Vvaltz.
GCEG Most Consistent Performance Preliminary - Alice Hurley with Lauriette BEP and Leah McLellan with Stocke Beyonce.
GCEG Most Consistent Performance Prix St Georges - Wendy Hiscoe and Dr Doolay.
GCEG Most Consistent Performance Advanced - Claire Leanne Wallace and Why Waltz Furst Dance.
GCEG Most Consistent Performance Medium - Claire Leanne Wallace and Courtlands Camille.
GCEG Most Consistent Intermediate Performance - Claire Claire Leanne Wallace and Why Waltz First Dance.
GCEG Most Consistent Performance Elementary - Tracey Williams and Vvixens Vvaltz.
GCEG Most Consistent Performance Preparatory - Suzzanne Stoodley and Black Betty II.
GCEG Most Consistent Performance Novice - Nancy Reinke and Tambolee.
GCEG Most Consistent Master Dressage Rider - Tracey Williams.
Best Performed Junior Dressage QOTT - Nikki Olzard and Steelz Time.
Best Performed QOTT Senior Dressage - Nancy Reinke and Ratback Rueban (Ruebanlee).
GCEG Most Consistent Senior Dressage Rider - Alice Hurley.
Special Award
Volunteer of the Year Award sponsored by Charlene Polley - Tracey Williams.
SADDLEWORLD Rockhampton-Combined High Points Horse and Rider - Tim Lewis and Remedys Smokin Gun.
WILDFIRE GYPSY HORSES - Hi Points Master Show Jumping - Karen Sullivan.
REMEDYS SMOKIN GUN High Points Horse and Rider Combinations - Tim Lewis and Remedys Smokin Gun.
The Cassie and Nathan Ward High Points Junior Show Jumping - Georgia Creed.
Best Performed Junior Showjumper QOTT - Georgia Creed and Colorado River.
GCEG Most Consistent Junior Dressage Rider - Imogen Lowe
GCEG Over 65cm Junior Show Jumping Champion- Imogen Lowe and Old Station Little Joe.
BEECHER EQUESTRIAN PARK - Hi Points Senior Show Jump rider - Tim Lewis.
GCEG Over 95cm Show Jumping Senior Champion - Rochelle Lewis and Gold Melody.
Best Performed Senior Show Jump QOTT - Melinda Zammit and Wright In It (JT Just A Dream).
GCEG under 65cm Junior Show Jumping Champion - Megan Lewis and Pink.
GCEG Over 95cm Junior Show Jumping Champion - Francesca Dooley and Kenlock Super Phoenix.
GCEG under 65cm Senior Show Jumping Champion - Tim Lewis and Remedys Smokin Gun.
GCEG Over 65cm Senior Show Jumping Champion - Tim Lewis and Remedys Smokin Gun.
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